Michelle Teague: DIY – Easy Ribbon Skirt

///Michelle Teague: DIY – Easy Ribbon Skirt

Michelle Teague: DIY – Easy Ribbon Skirt

Easy Ribbon Dress

Easy Ribbon Dress

Easy ribbon skirt using an old robe from Triad Goodwill, tulle, and ribbon

Reasons for using this method instead of the overly popularized tie tulle skirt:

  1. This method is faster
  2. It does not tangle


  1. Measure how long you would like your dress to be. I did this by holding the robe up to my toddler.
  2. Cut the bottom of the robe and sew any openings shut.
  3. Use a wide stitch or hand stitch around both the tulle and robe. By pulling the thread, both the robe and tulle will scrunch, making the tulle appear puffy. After picking just the right amount of puffiness, tie off your thread to keep it in place.
  4. Pin to a pretty ribbon and use your machine to sew together. Cut off any fabric peeking over.

The more layers of tulle you use, the puffier you ribbon dress will be.

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By | 2016-08-30T09:29:35-04:00 August 18th, 2016|